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Reader Views - Paige Lovett
The Law of Abundance
S.D. Buffington
QuinStar Publishing (2008)
ISBN 9780970892607
Reviewed by Paige Lovitt for Reader Views (11/08)

The Law of Abundance is a principle that is universal that we should be experiencing in all aspects of our lives. This includes the areas of finance, relationships, health and overall personal happiness. S.D. Buffington, the author of “The Law of Abundance,” tells us that if we are missing out on one of these areas, we are out of alignment. The “Law of Abundance” was written to explain the science behind this law so that we can make corrections where we need to, and apply it to our lives. The book is divided into four main parts. The first part discusses the basics of abundance, the second covers the principles of energy flow, the third part teaches how to apply the principles, and the fourth part contains an epilogue and appendices.

The actual law incorporates the three ways of knowing – empirical evidence (science), reason (philosophy) and faith (religion) into its formula. S.D. Buffington extensively discusses the science behind this law so that we can gain an understanding of how to make it work, and also understand what we are doing that might keep it from working. Buffington presents the actual scientific principles of energy that affect this law. Then she explains how they apply to abundance.

“The Law of Abundance” by S.D. Buffington presents a very in-depth and comprehensive discussion. It contains plenty of diagrams and examples to help support the complex material being presented. The text also frequently summarizes the supporting points so that it will be easier to retain and understand. By having this law presented scientifically, and reading the explanations and examples given in the book, I feel that I finally have an understanding of how to make this principle really work. Seeing where I am personally out of alignment and now knowing how I can correct this, gives me so much hope! As the author states: “You alone are responsible for what you think, feel, and believe…You alone decide the quality of your life.” I cannot imagine anyone that will not benefit from reading this.